One of the great challenges when it comes to building the future of Gipuzkoa is that of environmental sustainability.
COVID-19 has forced us to stop as a society and shown how the planet and its biodiversity are capable of becoming activated and sending signs of recovery quickly. We must not make the mistakes of the past, but take advantage of this opportunity offered to us to promote an economic recovery and a green reconstruction.
It is essential that Gipuzkoa’s economic reactivation plan against the Covid-19 pandemic be ecological, moving towards a sustainable and climate-neutral economy.
It is essential that Gipuzkoa’s economic reactivation plan against the Covid-19 pandemic be ecological, moving towards a sustainable and climate-neutral economy.

Representatives of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council
José Ignacio Asensio / Mónica Pedreira / Nerea Errasti / Beatriz Marticorena / Ana Perales / Xabier Esteban / César Gimeno
Participants from outside the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council
Jesús Alquézar / Enrique Aymerich / Jorge Fernández / Aimar Insausti / Aitor Lizarza / Cristina Martín / Margarita Martín / Cristina Peña / Rogelio Pozo / Maite Villafruela / Javier Zubia
Miren Larrea / Eva Sánchez