The Etorkizuna Eraikiz case
The following scientific publication includes the analysis of "the Etorkizuna Eraikiz case" carried out by experts from prestigious universities around the world.
It delves into the Etorkizuna Eraikiz model, based on active listening and experimentation to get social, economic and educational agents to participate, together with citizens and institutions, in the co-creation of public policies.
Building Collaborative Governance in Times of Uncertainty
13The Gipuzkoa model, a solid trajectory. Markel Olano
21Introduction: Etorkizuna Eraikiz, a major case of collaborative governance. Xabier Barandiarán, María José Canel & Geert Bouckaert
Part I. Structural dimensions to institutionalise collaborative governance
41Etorkizuna Eraikiz: The conceptual basis of the model. Egoitz Pomares, Asier Lakidain & Alfonso Unceta
55How to institutionalise collaborative governance? From concepts to practice. Xabier Barandiarán, Sebastián Zurutuza, Unai Andueza & Ainhoa Arrona
79What a systemic vision can do to help to develop collaborative governance: The example of Etorkizuna Eraikiz. Naiara Goia, Gorka Espiau & Ander Caballero
99WORKSHOP 1. Synthesis of interactions between scholars and practitioners
104Comment 1: Etorkizuna Eraikiz: A collaborative governance framework for learning and acting. Tina Nabatchi
110Comment 2: The challenge of combining legitimacy and effectiveness when building collaborative governance. Luis Aguilar
116Comment 3: Historical background in the Basque Country for diverse social capital as a precondition for Etorkizuna Eraikiz collaborative governance. Peter Loge
119Comment 4: Collaborative governance as jazz: Three propositions. Adil Najam
Part II. Relational dimensions to learn and communicate about a culture of collaborative governance
125The experience of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz Think Tank. Andoni Eizagirre, Miren Larrea & Fernando Tapia
139Communicating for collaborative governance. Ion Muñoa
157Listening and learning together: Using action learning for collaborative governance. Anne Murphy, María José Canel, Olatz Errazkin, Ander Arzelus, & Elena Oyon
169WORKSHOP 2. Synthesis of interactions between scholars and practitioners
177Comment 5: Collaborative governance, accountability and leadership in Etorkizuna Eraikiz. Sonia Ospina
188Comment 6: Etorkizuna Eraikiz: A case of interactive political leadership. Eva Sørensen
191Comment 7: The need to systematise relationships with stakeholders to make collaborative governance work. Jacob Torfing
199Comment 8: Public-sector communication to engage citizens in collaborative governance. Vilma Luoma-aho
Part III. Looking at results and conclusions
205WORKSHOP 3. Synthesis of interactions between scholars and practitioners
209Comment 9: Notes on the evaluation of Etorkizuna Eraikiz. Gregg Van Ryzin
213Comment 10: Looking at the impact of collaborative policies on intangibles and outcomes through dynamic performance governance. Carmine Bianchi
220Comment 11: Looking about achievements and results: Further steps to evaluate Etorkizuna Eraikiz. Stephan Ansolabehere
225Comment 12: Some reflections about the future of Etorkizuna Eraikiz. Javier Lezaun
229Conclusions: Pracademic lessons learned. Geert Bouckaert, María José Canel & Xabier Barandiarán