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Elkar-EKIN Lanean

Elkar-EKIN Lanean is a proposal for improving employability and combatting social exclusion. Through this initiative, we hope to provide improved guidance for people in seeking better employment. It is also intended to foster policies that bring decent employment to people are risk of suffering social exclusion.

It is primarily targeted at young people aged between 16 and 23 with low qualifications; people in chronic unemployment (over 2 years unemployed); persons aged over 45; female victims of gender violence and/or in empowerment processes; low-skilled individuals; or people who might be in a situation of exclusion or at risk of exclusion.



1.Improving attention for people in situations of social exclusion.
2.Generating employment opportunities for individuals in situations of social vulnerability.
3.Promoting and fostering projects of inclusive activation and cohesion.
4.Reinforcing coordination with other systems.
5.Communicating and heightening awareness for the general public.



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Elkar-EKIN is an integrated multi-departmental strategy for employability and inclusive activation through economic reactivation and competitiveness, quality employment and social policies. Elkar-EKIN is founded on three basic principles: co-generation of knowledge, emerging process and respect for the participation and contributions of all.
The main lines of action linked to these aims are:
  • Development of social services and benefits linked to social inclusion.
  • Boost for the generation of opportunities for employment and social inclusion among individuals at risk of or in situations of social exclusion.
  • Reinforcement of collaboration with local and social organisations in managing processes of social inclusion and integration.
  • Promotion of research and innovation in relation to best practice.
  • Development of transverse processes in dealing with exclusion in collaboration with public services.
  • Design and development of a communication plan oriented towards raising awareness on aspects of social inclusion.
Elkar-EKIN offers new ways of mobilising the province's assets. These actions can provide new solutions with collaboration from municipal authorities, development agencies, companies and stakeholders from the third sector and the educational field./div>

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