The speed with which things are changing today is making us even more aware that the future is here now. An acceleration that the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa identified four years ago, when we launched the Etorkizuna Eraikiz initiative.
Etorkizuna Eraikiz (Building the Future) is focused on three key areas that form the basis for continuing to build and improve our present and future well-being: Economy, Social Welfare and Sustainable Development. Through this initiative we channel each of the actions, plans and projects being carried out by Gipuzkoans like you, thanks to which it is assured that we are designing, creating, researching, developing and building our future now.
Green Gipuzkoa

61% of our territory is forest. And it will continue to be so if, among all of us, we decide to make that change, which comes from within, and we set our sights on conserving our environment. At Etorkizuna Eraikiz we are creating the foundations for a more sustainable future with projects that promote the circular economy, renewable energies and decarbonization.
For this we have promoted Naturklima, a reference center for monitoring the effects of climate change throughout the world and, especially, in our territory. And Gipuzkoa Deep Demonstration our process to promote a sustainable transition from the current model of competitiveness and social protection.
New care model
We are getting older and we want to decide how we age. For this reason, we are working on the future of care through Etorkizuna Eraikiz.
Care that is increasingly tailored, connected to the community and innovative. Over the next 8 years, 39 measures will be implemented to make us a region that provides care and decides how it wants to receive care. Social policies that are working for our future, now.
We are firmly committed to social policies, one of our cornerstones, providing support for over 28,000 vulnerable people. Because we believe that the only way to go further is to become closer.

Elkar-EKIN Lanean

We want to remain as one of the regions with the least inequality in Europe, so we are developing our own sheltered work and social economy model through Etorkizuna Eraikiz.
We have our own particular way of managing social policies. Our own model which, through agreements with social actors and non-profit organisations, strives to offer personalised professional integration pathways to people who are at risk of or experiencing social exclusion.
We believe in a Gipuzkoa that makes a difference through equality.
Improving the quality of employment
Always by and for our people. With people at the very heart of all of our actions, our goal is to continue improving our quality of life through employment.
Promoting the participation of workers in companies, encouraging shared responsibility for achieving a good work/life balance, launching workplace equality plans and creating plans to attract Gipuzkoan talent that is currently working abroad. Actions that are driving the future of work, today.
Employment ecosystem
Participation of workers

Supporting companies

We understand that our role is to be a partner along this road towards enterprise, expansion and the internationalisation of companies from Gipuzkoa.
A long and always complex journey during which we support companies, while maintaining the competitiveness of our manufacturing sectors by implementing progressive tax policies, supporting every business initiative, no matter how big or small, through our ten regional development agencies.
All policies and actions that are driving the future of businesses today.
Youth employment Support
Modernising the economy
Modernising the economy is not an option, it is an obligation. Therefore, for a number of years, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has been working to improve our region’s economic future, working together with the community, businesses and institutions through public policies geared towards economic transformation, using Etorkizuna Eraikiz as a vehicle.
Together, we are promoting eight reference centres and three strategic projects in key sectors such as: electromobility, cybersecurity, biosciences and quantum technologies, industries through which we are changing the future of our economy, today.