LABe is a digital gastronomy centre that seeks to generate a developmental pole to integrate the Digital Era within Gipuzkoan gastronomy.
How does LABe work?
LABe is based on the following 5 axes:

What has been achieved or what are the aims?
He aim of LABe is for Gipuzkoa to continue to be one of the world benchmarks for gastronomy in the 21st century with regard to quality, healthy eating and sustainability, and to take advantage of new technologies to provide solutions and create new business models.
Some results obtained to date are:
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Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa / Donostiako Udala - San Sebastián City Council / Eusko Jaurlaritza - the Basque Government / The Basque Culinary Center / ACEDE Cluster / Gipuzkoa Hospitality