Etorkizuna Eraikiz
Gipuzkoa anticipates the future
Reference centres for innovation and experimentation
The Etorkizuna Eraikiz reference centres promote cooperative strategic projects on issues related to the current and future needs of Gipuzkoa's society.
Think Collaborative Governance isn't for you? We'd like to change your mind
Over the last few years Etorkizuna Eraikiz has been continuously advancing, listening and building new bridges, utilising the dialogue and talent of a society that is trying to find its place in the future.
individual participants
participating organisations
public activities
The transformative power of people, their actions and collaborative projects
citizenship projects
experimental projects
proposals incorporated into budgets
30 October 2024
Enpresa txiki eta ertainei etorkizuneko erronken aurrean laguntzeko programak sendotu eta indartuko ditu Foru Aldundiak
17 October 2024
Gipuzkoak AArekiko bizikidetza “errealista eta eraginkorraren” alde egin du “Industrysec2024” ekitaldian, lehiakorra izaten jarraitzeko
10 October 2024
ZIURek zibersegurtasunaren etorkizuna elkartuko du ‘IndustrySec 2024’ kongresuan